The Ultimate 8-Week Program to Look and Perform Like an Athlete for Life
My fellow athlete for life,
It’s time to build you back better than ever! Not just “go back” to your glory days, but go forward to your BEST days! The days where you look, feel, and perform like an athlete, have energy and confidence all day, without nagging aches and pains.
The question, up until now, has been, “How?”
If you’re reading this, you’ve figured out that what used to work in high school and college doesn’t work for you anymore.
And you don’t have time to train like a pro athlete.
You don’t know where to start, what to do, or how much of it; and you’re not going to spend hours in the gym trying to figure it all out.
And who wants to cut out all the carbs, or never have a slice of pizza or a burger again?!
You’ve been led to believe that it’s normal to lose your athleticism, fast metabolism, strength, and energy as you age. And perhaps you’re thinking, “It’s all downhill from here.”
But that’s bullshit!
I’ve applied fitness and longevity research in the trenches for close to 20-years and discovered a system that improves your power, speed, and athleticism without burning you out or beating up your joints. And it won’t eat up all your time and energy.
My “movement hygiene” system will have you moving better than when you were in high school or college.
Too many programs are designed to cram in as much work as possible. They do absolutely nothing to improve how well you move, increase your athleticism, or help you gain strength while building lean muscle.
Do you want to be “jacked” but unable to play a pick up game or backyard sports with your kids without getting winded or injured? Hell no! It’s about the show AND the go!
That’s why I created the Athlete For Life: Compound-V 8-week Program, the blueprint to build your athletics and aesthetics (the look and the performance).
It’s a program that will get you strong.
It will help you speed past your buddies on the court while they scratch their heads at how you did it.
It will help you build a lean, athletic, and muscular body.
And it will make you fit AF.
Who am I and why should you listen to me?

I’m Luka Hocevar, owner of Vigor Ground Fitness and Performance in Renton, WA and co-founder of Vigor Ground in Ljubljana, Slovenia. I’ve been coaching for close to 2 decades and have owned gyms for 17 years. Between the two, we’ve coached over 12,000+ clients (and still going strong).
Before my coaching career, I spent most of my life in basketball. My obsession with sports performance helped me make it to the top pro European leagues and NBA summer pro-league..
I’ve personally coached thousands of clients to results, from Cy Young award winners, to Super Bowl champions, UFC champions, pro-sports teams, high school and college teams, celebrities, and executives, athletes from almost every pro league—NBA, NFL, MLB, MLS, MLR, UFC, etc—and just as importantly, clients from all walks of life who want to look, feel, and perform better, without nagging pain and injuries.
I’ve written for and been featured everywhere from Men’s Health, to Testosterone Nation,, ONNIT Magazine, Entrepreneur, HBO Real Sports,, The Model Health Show, Precision Nutrition, STACK, FOX, USA Today, and many more publications across the world.

When I opened Vigor Ground in Slovenia, it was the first gym of its kind to specifically focus on helping clients build athleticism AND body composition. As I like to say, athletics and aesthetics (The Show & The Go!).
We introduced concepts and methods that many coaches and gyms use to this day.
Because of my different approach, my clients' results are off the charts. They get leaner, stronger, and more athletic, while eliminating aches and pains.
But it wasn’t always like this…
I Started Out as a Skinny, Weak, Insecure Athlete Who Didn’t Get Much Playing Time
Even though I had mediocre genetics and was barely 6 feet tall, I went from playing high school basketball to college to high-level European pro leagues.
That’s when my performance hit a wall.
So I tried everything.
I tried the bodybuilding routines, which helped me gain some muscle but didn’t improve my athleticism.
I tried “functional training,” but it didn’t help me transfer athleticism from the gym to the court.
“Just playing the sport” didn’t help me get stronger and athletic enough to stand out and get playing time.
It took lots of sweat, trial and error, studying and learning everything I could about speed, power, agility, movement, strength and conditioning to overcome my genetics and build myself into a serious athlete.
But I finally did it.

At 200 lbs playing college ball
I finally stumbled on the REAL truth about building a body that looks, feels, and performs like an athlete (without wear and tear or nagging aches and pains)
After 20 years of intense research and in-the-trenches work (which I still do in my gym in Renton, WA), I’ve created a foolproof system to build power, strength, lean muscle, and fitness, so you can look AND perform like an athlete.
I want to help you build a body that projects health, athleticism, strength and confidence.
After my basketball career was over, I turned to the industry that changed my life.I committed to becoming the best coach, so I could help others transform their bodies and change their stories the way I had.
I traveled tirelessly to learn from the best minds in sport performance, movement, strength training, muscle building, nutrition, health, longevity, and more.
Once I started coaching a lot, I realized that most sports performance and strength training isn’t applicable to people who have full time jobs, nagging issues, and are older than 35.
You can’t force a pro athlete’s training on someone with a different fitness level, a busy schedule, and aches and pains, and get a positive result.
This lesson became personal: I wasn’t a pro athlete anymore. I was running multiple businesses and coaching clients all day, I had past injuries, aches and pains, tons on my plate, and only so much time to fit in my training.
It took obsessive study and application with thousands of clients (as well as myself), but...

At age 42, feeling strong and athletic
The kind of body that changes the way people see and think about you.
The kind of body that changes the way you think about yourself and the world around you.
The kind of body that can literally change your life.
Strong body. Strong mind. Strong life.
You deserve to have it all.
Introducing: The Compound-V Program. Athleticism and Aesthetics. Guaranteed.
My brand new, 8-week training program is the one thing that will finally help you transform your body and build athleticism, without beating up your joints and creating nagging pains.
I have NEVER released an Athlete For Life training program to anyone other than my in-person coaching clients.
It has my original Lower Body/Upper Body/Full Body/Weak Link split laid out in a fully detailed program.
You get the details and theory behind the program, the principles and essentials of why it works so well.
And you get the program with sets, reps, rest periods, coaching videos (to every exercise), notes on each day of program
You’ll also receive my Athlete For Life: Compound-V Nutrition Guide to help you achieve YOUR specific body composition goals
I also decided to give you two Vigor Ground Recipe Books with 100 easy-to-make, delicious meals that fit your goals.
I’m 100% committed to getting you the best results by combining aesthetics (the Show) and athletics (the Go).
You don’t have to pick one or the other, the look or the performance. With my help, you’ll have BOTH!
It’s time to look great, feel great, all while being athletic AF and getting looks from others that are scratching their heads at how you’re doing it.

Cy Young award winners, Super Bowl Champions, Elite Athletes, Pro Sports Teams, Fitness Influencers, just some of the amazing clients trained by Luka
Here’s What You’ll Discover Inside The Athlete For Life: Compound-V Program
The ultimate, fully detailed 8-week training program
The 7 essential factors requied to build strength and athleticism and stay injury-free
How I got my leanest and strongest at age 42
The ideal mix of speed/power, strength, muscle building exercise in your program
My joint-saving dynamic warm up
The daily “movement hygiene” exercises and flows that have been game-changers for my back, hips, and shoulders
How to do a 4-day split with one “Weak link” training day and stay fresher
How to avoid the common aches and pains normally associated with training
How to make measurable progress EVERY week
The best way to adjust exercises to fit your needs
The answer to whether you should be training to failure for best results
How to fire up your nervous system to have the best workouts every time
How make every rep you do 3x more effective
The cardio program that will help you get fitter and healthier without negatively affecting your gains and athleticism
The simple, step-by-step nutrition guide to help you hit your goals
3 recipe books with delicious meals that fit your goals
My BLUEPRINT will ensure you get the results you want without compromising: you’ll not only become more athletic, stronger, fitter, and leaner, but you’ll do it while moving better and getting rid of nagging aches and pains.
I’ll show you how to improve every aspect of your fitness and reverse the clock.
And the best part is….
When you finish the program, you get to keep the results you’ve earned! You’ll have a new body, energy, athleticism, and CONFIDENCE!
Imagine being athletic again, moving better, feeling better, getting stronger and more powerful, while looking the part…instead of listening to others tell you it can’t be done and choosing to believe you can’t build that as you age.
Imagine how you’ll feel when you’re the most athletic, fit, and strong person in the office and an example for the people around you, from your family (most importantly) to your coworkers.
You’ll be at ease every night knowing you’re doing EXACTLY what you need to do to maximize your strength, fitness, and athleticism, while creating a transformation every time you set foot in the gym.
While many will choose the status quo of getting sicker physically and mentally, losing their health, strength, and athleticism, while feeling their aches and pains…
You’ll be on a constant ascension to the top.
Because proper training is a metaphor for life. If you can do what’s required, and do it properly… you can do anything. It bleeds into the rest of your existence.
Then you start stacking one win after another and become completely unrecognizable to your old self.
You become unstoppable.

Stronger, more athletic, leaner while gaining 9 lbs!
“After joining an 8-week program at Vigor Ground Fitness and Performance and training at Vigor I got stronger, more athletic, put on 9lbs, while getting leaner. I didn’t know it could be done but the results don’t lie!” - Ben

Best shape of his life after two knee surgeries and spinal surgery that had doctors doubting he'd be able to do much.
"At first, training with Luka at the Vigor Ground Fitness and Performance I lost 24 lbs in 9 weeks. Most importantly, my pain levels have almost completely diminished and I have never been as strong, athletic and flexible. Even the doctors were amazed that I can squat, deadlift and sprint with absolutely no pain!
Because of Luka and his Athlete For Life approach, I now feel better than I ever have. Lean, muscular, pain free and able to perform anything!” - Dennis
What you get when you join Athlete for Life
The complete step-by-step 8-week training program (consisting of 2 separate 4-week training phases) including mobility, warm ups, power/plyos, strength training and cardio all outlined
Coaching videos showing each exercise
My “movement hygiene” mobility protocol and movement flows
The 7 Essential Factors For Training Success
The Athlete For Life: Compound-V Nutrition Guide
3 Vigor Ground Recipe Books (5-ingredient, High Protein, and Low-Carb) with 100 delicious recipes
Launch Week BONUS: Access to a Facebook Group where I answer all your questions about the program
All of this is delivered in an ebook (PDF) format that you can instantly access and start using right away.
Frequently Asked Questions
It's for anyone with at least 2-3 years of proper training under their belt. This is not a beginner program, it’s intermediate and advanced. You need to know how to train and how to push the intensity.
If you're over 30, want a change, and are ready take things to the next level by building athleticism, getting stronger, and looking like a lean athlete, this program is for you.
No, the entire program is online. This is an instantly downloadable digital file, so you can get started today!
No, the program, nutrition guide, and 3 recipe books are all in downloadable PDF format.
There are four lifting days per week and two conditioning days that are optional (though, I highly recommend them).
Ideally, a fully-equipped gym. You could do it with a well-equipped home gym.
At a minimum, you'll need dumbbells, an adjustable bench, a chin-up bar, somewhere to squat, deadlift, bars, plates, cables, or bands.
Three (3) of the strength workouts are around 75 minutes, one (1) is around 45 minutes, and the conditioning workouts are 40-60 minutes long if you choose to do them.
Yes, this is the only program I’ll do a FB group for, and I'll answer any questions about the program to help you achieve the best results. You'll receive the link for the Facebook group once you purchase the program.
Once you join the program, you'll get an email with an immediate download link.